Thursday, February 10, 2011

One of Two Places

I'm sitting in a chain coffeeshop (guess) and posting this with some photos to share. So much to relay, I may have to sketch it out and fill in some additional stories next time.

It's winter here, getting to freezing at night. But I should be grateful we're not getting slammed with the HUGE winter storm covering most of the country. So, even though I have a touch of a winter cold (thanks, Ms. Sneezer at the airport...) I am grateful. In fact, this place -- northern Florida -- is one of two places not under a winter storm siege; the other palce is northern California, from where I came. Interesting symmetry.

Sun and blue sky greeted me, but frowned into a rainfall overnight. We are at sea level, so there is a bit of flooding, but at least our yard is above the water level.

I finished Earth Island Journal, then spent the next several days catching up with friends on my move, and took a redeye out here. Thanks to the Nalles, Robert and Tristan, Matthew, Grant, Tyson, and of course Ian and Susan, who've put up with so much over the years! Mt. Tam was particularly difficult to leave in the good light and good weather of the past few days.

And while I was wrestling the magazine issue, Amy had landed and was directing the movers and pets around, doing all the usual to set up a household. I got off easy on that count. At least I thought so until I opened the door to "Studio B" (my room - Amy's is "Studio A"). What a stack of boxes! I have to say, ahem, some were not even mine. So I tackled the garage, cleaning it and organizing the overflow of boxes out there. Then I cleared out the gutters, which were clogged with very long pine needles, perhaps ten inches long.

So we're in a little beach town, or maybe not so little. Actually it's a north-south string of beach towns, and together they make up a medium-sized town. Usual chain stores with a few smallgems tucked away: the 30-year old family hot dog cart; a drive-through bagel shop; and a greasy spoon breakfast joint. Walking possible to all.

The next week should shape up well - Amy's birthday, when she gets her "mystery" present from me, and we get beach cruiser bikes. And the inept dryer in the rental house might have to go in the garage as we could replace it with one on sale at Sears, (saving time and energy.)

The bonus was walking Grover to the beach last night - cold and sick though I was, and tired as he was, unused to walking any distance. He blended right in, at least in terms of color.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your moving is going as smoothly as can be expected. Hugs to you and Amy as you settle into your new home. :)

    - Donica
