Sunday, May 27, 2012


Covering both coasts in a few weeks -- and Amy bouncing back and forth additional times -- we've seen the gamut, from sunny LA to tropical eastern storms. Yep, that's right. Earlier than hurricane season by several weeks, our second storm is here. It's dark and windy outside, with rain expected nightfall tonight. The stores aren't yet packed with milk-shoppers. But the Mayor declared and emergency and cancelled the Jazz Festival downtown.

The pictures on the side speak for themselves, so I'll keep this post brief. I got sunburned in LA and I'm looking out for falling palm fronds and tree limbs in Florida.

Lana's mother has thrown a wrench in my summer time with Lana, so Lana will be here briefly on June 8, then later in the summer if things work as they are supposed to. In between, I'll have to be in mediation and possibly a courtroom.

But for today, I got to drive on the bridge over a stormy Intercoastal, check out the churning surf with other pre-storm gawkers, and fill up the Jeep -- just in case we need to get to a shelter.

Of course, the more one prepares, the more likely a storm will pass you by!

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