Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beach Cruiser no. 1

One of has a beach cruiser. I ordered one for Amy weeks ago, but hers is still not here. (See the cool website at While waiting, I followed an ad in the local paper and got a Huffy. Yup. Single speed, two-tone brown, with basket up front and a rack in back. Impatience got the better of me. Plus, it was less than seventy dollars.
So what else could I do but take it to the beach and get sand all in the chain? I rode up to the county line and the surf area -- Jacksonville Beach/AtlanticBeach Pier. Hundreds of people on the beach that day.
This is a slow weekend. No bike ride for me; pinched a back muscle. We keep looking out the door for the UPS truck, but I suppose it'll get here while Amy's at work... another day, a weekday. An non-climactic day.
We had visitors last weekend - the Hooleys and their mobile home. They were able to park it a while, and we went out to brunch. A good Mexican place w ith cool t-shirts and even better food. Afterward we walked on the beach. Yep, we live in a beach town, so that's what we do a lot of. And a vast shell collection is growing. With Chris and Helen we lolled atthe eater's edge and talked some philosophy, some food and some "other." Chris found a perfectly flattened scallop shell -- a variety I haven't yet seen. Helen's thinking of certification in an herbal/nutrition program. Though, like all Hooleys, she may know more than those who offer to be "authorities" at school.
A few days later I got do my wrastling with the pick-up service. Not only do they pick up trash two times a week, they also come by a THIRD day to pick up anything oversized. Cardboard, brooms, electrical cord, computers, even appliances. Or that's the theory. For some reason, they don't like to pick up our neatly stacked moving boxes, left out the night before, in plenty of time, and in the correct location relative to the street. So I call in each week and inform the city our stuff is still on the lawn. Every Wednesday, like clockwork.
Until next Wednesday...(!)


  1. It's a beach town. The trash is picked up three times a week. But seven years behind schedule. Don't worry! They'll get to you!

  2. The in the Barrel3-speed geatures a simple-minded color scheme with a complex geometric frame design to form the utopia of cruisers Comfort Bikes.
