Tuesday, September 18, 2012


In a break from the constant drum of busy-ness, Amy was able to take a week off and bring us to the Toronto Film Festival. As I recall, we saw some movies... between the numerous and rewarding stops for food. Good food. Yummy food. Terrific food. Gastronomic food. Pho-food. Oyster food. Dim sum food. Charcuterie food. Beer... well, beer!

Even though it was Canada, I got (minor) sunburn walking around, and walking and walking around more. The scale, the density and the interlocked neighborhoods remind me of San Francisco. Toronto also boasts 24-hour streeetcars, (aka trollies) and a subway system. The ROM combines art and natural history in an amazing structure. The Contemporary Art Museum combines a penchant for video projects with Bay-Area worthy attitudinalism. And the BATA Shoe Museum is, well, unique and well worth a trip!

Screenings at TIFF we well organized, as is the website (www.tiff.net) and the whole shebang depends on a sub-population of volunteers in orange shirts. The movie-plexes are also a step up: shopping on other floors, food courts and even bars! We sat through a range of ten stories, from silly Sicilian money-borrowers to end-of-the-world wanderers; from continental Indian Romeo and Juliet amid a religious divide, to a gay Filipino man in his last years. The latter was Amy's favorite; mine was about a blind man who taught echo location to kids at a school for the blind.

I know what you're all thinking: "Can't wait for next year's report!"

Friday, August 17, 2012

School has claimed the kids back, Lana included. But we had a fun summer (interrupted as it was) between school years.

We stayed at a lodge in a waterfall park in Georgia, hiking amid white flowers, cool water we could ALMOST reach, and 768 stairs. Then we hit the road to give her time with her mom.

When I went back and brought her to Jax, Lana plunged right into a five day art camp put on by the fine art museum here. It was a hit - and I hope to have her back next summer, according to her wishes. She made a wonderful sculpture, several excellent drawings, and I'm going to frame one for her.

On the way back, after beaches, rock wall climbing, frozen yogurts galore, a shopping spree, riding bikes into the surf, chess matches and HER beating ME in Monopoly (!) we hit the road again.

This time, at the Super 8 end in Chattanooga, after donuts, we hit the amusement park as we always do. We're both addicted to the roller coaster (a good one on a wooden frame) and the bumper cars. Lana also has a penchant for getting me onto rides where I almost lose my dinner. Never used to be a problem -- am I getting old or just more sensible?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Storm season in full bloom.
Debby’s squall hit pretty hard here, though other parts of Florida took more of the brunt. Flooding and pooling water spreading in lots of areas – including the roads – with the rest of the week forcast as wet.  Right now a tornado watch for our area. Holy cow -- tornado!

I feel for the sea turtle eggs resting snugly in their nests all up and down this part of the coast. The odds are high enough against them without blustery erosion and flooding.
Selfishly, at least I got a bike ride in before the precipitation fell.

Yesterday we drove to Ocala. We didn’t see much besides rainy roadside, but we DID feel an uphill... it was like being on another planet! We were escorting FX, who gets surgery today for a bone chip in his shin. He had a kicking spat with another horse, and, true to his other name, has a “Boo-boo.” Luckily, the surgery is out-patient; he can get it done standing up, which lessens the chances of complications. We’ll be bringing him a get-well treat soon, maybe by boat!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Covering both coasts in a few weeks -- and Amy bouncing back and forth additional times -- we've seen the gamut, from sunny LA to tropical eastern storms. Yep, that's right. Earlier than hurricane season by several weeks, our second storm is here. It's dark and windy outside, with rain expected nightfall tonight. The stores aren't yet packed with milk-shoppers. But the Mayor declared and emergency and cancelled the Jazz Festival downtown.

The pictures on the side speak for themselves, so I'll keep this post brief. I got sunburned in LA and I'm looking out for falling palm fronds and tree limbs in Florida.

Lana's mother has thrown a wrench in my summer time with Lana, so Lana will be here briefly on June 8, then later in the summer if things work as they are supposed to. In between, I'll have to be in mediation and possibly a courtroom.

But for today, I got to drive on the bridge over a stormy Intercoastal, check out the churning surf with other pre-storm gawkers, and fill up the Jeep -- just in case we need to get to a shelter.

Of course, the more one prepares, the more likely a storm will pass you by!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Travel all over, in this town and in the next several. In Kentucky for the Rolex event; in LA for a growing-up event; up to Chattanooga to pick up Lana for summer. Lots of miles to log on, lots of things to see and do. Even a slew of varying weathers. Kentucky was cold, then hot; LA is... who knows? and Chattanooga will be unpredictable, though hopefully no bad storms,

Horse eventing in Lexington very cool, catered, hanging around horse-know-it-alls, and taking some photos fro the first time in a year! I sidled up to an older lone woman who, it turned out, was a formidable dressage rider in her day and now runs a breeding stable with legendary lineage. She was a card, and didn't really fit with some of the rest -- she confirmed my pick of vegetarian/hippie restaurant as the best in the area (ALFALFA), and we talked about seed saving and local foods!

Back to Jacksonville and started a "community" garden for the community of horse boarders. Long hot day -- seven hours -- and one poor soul even had heat stroke. I don't know what success to expect because the soil is mostly sand with some horse manure plowed into it. But it looked great when we were done!

Friday, March 23, 2012


Been up to Chattanooga again... Been there, done that a thousand times, it seems. Took a trip up on the side roads, passing some swampland, seeing route 66 by another name. But every time I see Lana it's a new excursion. She greeted me this time in her Cal Bears shirt I got her. And now that she's not taking baths every night, she's on a dirty clothes rampage. (So the shirt was on two days!)

This time we checked out an open house at one magnet school. The next morning we played "hookey," sort of, since I got her out of one school... but into another. We toured a second magnet Middle school, for a full hour. Since I was leaving Saturday, we stayed together until then.

And wouldn't you know it, her mother, who insisted she have Lana back Saturday by noon, then cancelled her house party she needed Lana for. But by then, Friday, my plans were made: the hotel nights set, the emotional time frame set, my dog walks scheduled, and my enthusiasm for seeing Amy again creeping in.

Another quick trip up to Lana in the works -- but first Amy and I have a zany month or so of travel and adventure. Not even considering the twin Minis.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

(pun intended!)

Lana's back in Chilly Chattanoooga (22 today) after a totally fun visit over XMas. Now cold-ish days here portend the garden-to-be.

So, as in Lincoln, I conscripted myself to make some garden boxes. This time, the design is a little different, making a frame so I can wrap some screen around the box, keeping out the vermin of the 'hood: squirrels, cats and armadillos.

So, from ten til four-thirty, this was a six hour project. And the boxes I built the night before! What, you ask, took so long?!^* Pulling long tendrile roots out of the sandy soil. Weeding the crabgrass roots. Turning the soil and looking for grubs to pull out. Then mixing in leaves and pine needles to level the soil as a platform for the boxes. Cutting a tarp to fit in the bottom. And... filling the boxes with bagged topsoil mixed with "native" soil, a mix of sand and contractor-added topsoil.

Next up, some plants after the last frost date.

The good news is that the farmer's market here -- Neptune Beach -- had great greens and NEW bringers of bread. Yes, there is a future! Bread form non-commercial kitchens, one from a farmers' "friend". Good stuff, really home-made and unlike what you will find in Whole Foods or other markets.

To seal the deal this weekend, we took home a "growler"from a local beer hall that has rotating guest beers from around Florida and makes their own brews as well.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This year has been terrific! I've gotten to read bedtime stories to Lana and each day seen her the next morning. Well, almost morning. Closer to lunch, really, but that's all right. This morning is frost-level temperature, but mostly the days have been sunny and in the sixties, with the exception being New Year's Day -- in the seventies!

New Year's Eve was loud and colorful with completely uncontrolled localized fireworks, but no too many guns shooting up in the air. We paraded up and down the street at midnight wearing glow-stick necklaces. In the morning we found bottle rockets in our driveway. I'm pretty sure you can't see that in California.

Amy has had a well-synchronized few days off for flying our new helicopter, riding bikes and walking the beach. And she's tried her hand at cooking -- about one hundred meals!

The halfway point in Lana's visit is past, but more fun is yet to be shared.Today we'll try the rock-climbing wall and come back so she can scooter or bike with Abby, a neighbor's girl. Abby's house had about one million lights displayed for Christmas, as well as rocking reindeer.

Picking up Lana I drove E-W across Florida, and along the way some major attractions. We stopped to see Florida's tallest waterfall, (about forty feet.) I found some spectacular light on a swamp by I-10 and got out to snap the photo, only to be foiled by clouds, so I stood there another seven minutes until the sun peeked out again. I think other motorists thought I was peeing.

Once here, we lived through more superlatives. Like the biggest second Christmas ever! As Gru says in "Despicable Me," "This is going on for-ever!" And the yummiest banana muffins. And scrumptious anything-you-can-think-of-treats, like fudge, caramels, shortbread, oranges (farmer's market) and marzipans of all varieties. Not to mention the practically empty white sand beaches, pristine after I picked up the plastic bits that wash in from the Atlantic.

More soon. And happy new year from me, Lana and Amy.