Woa! This is some force. Luckily, this storm moved past us, and didn't get it together to become a manifested threat. But it sure looked like an impressive bit of rage. And we finally got some rain. They call it a drought here when a few dry weeks go by... despite the swamps. I don't think California's kiln-like conditions are on the imagination radar screen. It'd be like imagining Mars.
The clouds lifted high over the pines later in the afternoon, (sidebar.) To listen to the news, we might have gotten an inch of rain that afternoon. But I find that difficult to believe. An inch??
Besides deflating the barometer and watering my sunflowers, the rain brought some potentially good side effects. There is a huge fire here. In the swamp.That's right, everyone, THE SWAMP IS BURNING. The Okeefenokee Swamp, (Scully and Mulder muse over its name on an early X-Files episode, for you fans.) The park -- and it is a protected area, except private timber is harvested -- is pretty large, and almost one third of it (115,000 acres and still going) is fried. The newspaper can't decide which is bigger news: a huge wildlife fire or Tiger Woods' Achilles tendon woes, so they kind of split the front page (sidebar.)
So back in our neck of the woods, routine is setting in. Walking the dogs, walking the dogs at the beach, physical therapy for Brian, remember, older than Amy!) And sitting in the back yard with the dogs, who don't yet like the new environment , while I do the Soduko puzzle or the crossword. Resting before... walking the dogs later!
Special event tomorrow (Monday): the "Endeavor" launch is supposed to be visible from the beach right here... soI may try and catch that, since there won't be many others to see... Sort of a piece of history, I suppose, in what has changed into a piece more of bureaucratic definition, since it's controlled and choked off by the misanthropic budget process in Congress.